
Using Comic Strips to Expand Your SLP Tool Box

As speech therapists it’s important that we continue to find new techniques to integrate into our “tool box.” While our focus is always on customized and patient-centered care, it can be easy to reach for the same book or open the same app with a patient if they’ve had success with those resources. There are many everyday items that are both inexpensive and easy to find that you can incorporate into your therapy sessions to enrich the therapy and deepen your patient’s progress.

This article from ASHA talks about using comic strips in speech intervention therapy. It’s a great example for SLPs on how resources we come across in our daily lives can transition to useful tools that engage patients and help meet their speech goals.

Read the full article on ASHA’s blog and learn how to incorporate comic strips across five different speech and language goals: Using Comic Strips In Speech Intervention

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