
Thinking of Selling Your Practice?

Lynn Janssen, SLP owned and ran Premier Health Associates in Des Moines for more than 18 years when she sold her company to RehabVisions in 2010. We acquired from Premier five SNF contracts, one hospital contract and Premier Health Associates clinic.

“I care a great deal about the people I built this company with, and I wanted to make sure they would be happy.” -Lynn Janssen, SLP and former owner

The companies blended easily because of the shared values and philosophies between them. Likewise, the 35 employees who transitioned to RehabVisions through the acquisition were the type of people we hire ourselves. “They have a genuine concern for patient care and a dedicated focus to do whatever is necessary to get the job done,” CFO Darrell Metcalf said.

In fact one of the Premier therapists, Jennifer Caskey, PT, had worked for RehabVisions in the past. She said she was obviously nervous when she found out their company was being sold, so she made some calls to friends who were still familiar with RehabVisions. “They assured me that RV was still the same type of company it had been when I worked there,” she said. “Then I knew that everything would be okay.”

Interested in exploring a buy-out or partnership with RehabVisions? Contact us to start a conversation.


Michael Goldsmith

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