Employees Exemplify Company Values
CERCIE is the award we’ve created as a company to recognize our employees who exemplify RehabVisions’ company values. It is an acronym that stands for Commitment, Excellence, Respect, Compassion, Integrity and Enthusiasm. We ask employees to submit CERCIE certificates to recognize their peers on a quarterly basis.
Katie S., a PT in North Dakota is one of our CERCIE recipients for Quarter 1, 2014. Three different people wrote in about Katie, who joined our outpatient clinic last summer as a new grad. One said Katie is extremely team-oriented, enthused and committed to their success. They all mentioned that Katie had significantly grown the Peds caseload for the clinic and had done some creative marketing. “She has infused an element of fun into our team. She is mature, professional and thirsty to continue to learn.”
Steven B., SLP was another CERCIE recipient this last quarter. He works at a hospital and three SNFs in Iowa. “Steven helped to establish a screening program for new admits to the hospital to identify the need for speech services and led in-services to nursing staff to provide further education regarding his discipline. He is more than willing to adjust his schedule and day to accommodate the needs of residents and has no qualms about seeing patients on weekends or holidays. He truly deserves to be recognized for his efforts and dedication to his discipline and patients.”
Laura A., OT is a traveler with our travel division, Cariant Health Partners. Recruiter Tony Marino nominated Laura and said she sets the example for what character traits Cariant seeks in an employee. “She’s very reliable, professional communicates well, has a positive attitude, and really demonstrates compassion for her job!”
Congrats to all!