
5 Things Your Rehab Department Should Be Doing – #3 Retain Your Superstars

Is your rehab department maximizing its potential? This post is the third in a series. It’s based on some items RehabVisions focuses on when we manage therapy departments, but it’s also a conversation starter about things you could be doing differently.

You probably already know that it costs a great deal more to hire a new employee than it does to retain an existing one. So why are you not focusing more on employee retention? Retaining your star employees is imperative to the success of your rehab department. So, how do you do that?

Hire the right person for the job
Spend the extra time interviewing the candidate to look at all aspects of this individual. Look not just at their skill sets but at how they will fit with coworkers, managers and with the culture of your facility.

Pay your employees what they are worth
Know the industry pay rates and benefits for your location, and consider offering flexibility in schedules and sign-on bonuses.

Create a dynamic department
Create a department that encourages clinical diversity; a place that creates opportunities for involvement and professional growth. Set clear expectations and goals for each employee, and make your employees feel ownership of their department.

Know your employees
Everyone has different hot buttons. For some it’s monetary, for others it’s a pat on the back or recognition of a job well done. Recognize what makes your employees tick and play to that. Don’t assume your employees are content. Interact with them, get constant feedback, and encourage open dialogue.

Make performance reviews relevant
Preparation is the starting point. If this is an annual review, it should be in-depth. A year is a long time. Have an agenda prepared to keep you on track. Encourage open and candid discussion. It has to be a two-way conversation in order to make it effective.

When you make finding the right talent and coaching that talent your number one priority, the rest will fall in place.


Todd Lohr

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