
SLP – A Fulfilling Path

In the spirit of National Speech and Hearing Month, I’ve been asked to weigh in on the discipline. Why do I love a career in speech pathology? A career based on talking and eating – my two favorite things… what’s not to love?

Who would have known that a kid raised on a farm in a small Ozark town of 2500 would have the journey I’ve had as a speech pathologist. As a senior in high school and Future Teacher of America (ha!), I was assigned to assist the speech pathologist at the elementary school. I spent an hour everyday working with the kids and thought to myself, “I think I could do this.”

As I moved from public school to early childhood to university to private practice, it wasn’t until 1994 that I finally found my home at RehabVisions. While I loved being a hands-on treating therapist, being a manager still fulfills my need to help. I love people and I love helping people achieve the quality of life they deserve.

Being somewhat “advanced” in age (not maturity), I feel fortunate to be at a place that fulfills my personal and career goals. And a place where I feel I can still make a difference.

And that’s my wish for all of you – that you are at or find a place that feeds your soul.

OK, enough of this… let’s go to lunch!

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